Sunday 18 June 2017

project management international certification in greenmtc qatar

project management international certification

Our training division offers both public and customized in-house management training workshops and courses. Our courses are based on the recognized International Bodies and methodologies and offer a recognized approach to project management training. Green International as experts in providing International standard Management Training to suit the needs of all professionals in various domains to achieve their career goals through the internationally recognized certifications project management international certification. Green International provides internationally recognized courses that are clearly intended to enhance and sharpen the skills and Knowledge by acquiring appropriate tools and techniques, which increases the confidence and clarity in thinking and performance at sustained levels.

Friday 2 June 2017

compliance management in quikprocess

compliance tracker

We ensure that the client gets maximum benefit from the application by continuously monitoring the usage and providing inputs on the best way to streamline the work to ensure regulatory compliance.Executives spend a lot of time preparing status reports for risk management. Our application makes report generation simple and efficient, while capturing all the necessary information.

We use best-in-class data security platforms for our application with advanced encryption and secure storage systems. With our compliance tracker software, the client's data is in safe hands.Compliance is a team effort. Our application has customized logins for various stakeholders in the corporate compliance process, both in the compliance tracker and internal financial controls application.